Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tip of the Day

It's that time! Today's powder! For what? Oil stains. Not motor oil, mind you. I am a cosmetologist and a huge foodie. I love to cook! 9 times out of 10, I get a grease or oil stain on my shirt. Before washing, I hit the spot with baby powder. The talc soaks up the oil attached to the fabric. I hit the stain with my trusty Tide, wash, and POOF no more oil stain!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wheatonism for April

On a pretty regular basis, I hop over and read the blog of one of my favorite writers/actors, Wil Wheaton. Yes, the awkward, geeky Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation (huge fan of that mess).
Here is our Wheatonism for April

AreYouFuckingSerious in the morning: some Gods awful hour before dawn, really early,
o'dark-thirty (that one is a Kit Cosmoism)

Thanks for making me laugh today Wil! Hubby and I are looking forward to your role on "Eureka" this summer. :)

Tip of the Day

While club soda will get red wine out of just about any fabric....what about hair color? Not so much! In the years that I was "behind the chair", my specialization was hair color and hi-lites. Many an outfit and suit saw tiny dots to large blops of dye!
Tip--Hairspray! As soon as you find that tell tale stain, saturate it with hairspray. Let it set for about 5 minutes and apply some laundry soap. Rub and rinse with cool water. Repeat until stain is gone. If the stain is on something white, follow the same directions and use a tiny bit of Clorox Bleach. Do not let the bleach sit on the garment since it tends to "eat" the fabric.
Tip #2--Bleach on black---Sharpie marker. Nuff said :)