Tuesday, July 6, 2010

That long? Seriously?

Wow! I had no idea that I'd been "off the grid" for such a long time! Yikes!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tip of the Day

It's that time! Today's tip....baby powder! For what? Oil stains. Not motor oil, mind you. I am a cosmetologist and a huge foodie. I love to cook! 9 times out of 10, I get a grease or oil stain on my shirt. Before washing, I hit the spot with baby powder. The talc soaks up the oil attached to the fabric. I hit the stain with my trusty Tide, wash, and POOF no more oil stain!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wheatonism for April

On a pretty regular basis, I hop over and read the blog of one of my favorite writers/actors, Wil Wheaton. Yes, the awkward, geeky Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation (huge fan of that mess).
Here is our Wheatonism for April

AreYouFuckingSerious in the morning: some Gods awful hour before dawn, really early,
o'dark-thirty (that one is a Kit Cosmoism)

Thanks for making me laugh today Wil! Hubby and I are looking forward to your role on "Eureka" this summer. :)

Tip of the Day

While club soda will get red wine out of just about any fabric....what about hair color? Not so much! In the years that I was "behind the chair", my specialization was hair color and hi-lites. Many an outfit and suit saw tiny dots to large blops of dye!
Tip--Hairspray! As soon as you find that tell tale stain, saturate it with hairspray. Let it set for about 5 minutes and apply some laundry soap. Rub and rinse with cool water. Repeat until stain is gone. If the stain is on something white, follow the same directions and use a tiny bit of Clorox Bleach. Do not let the bleach sit on the garment since it tends to "eat" the fabric.
Tip #2--Bleach on black---Sharpie marker. Nuff said :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kit Cosmo Rides Again!

My BF, MaGee, called this morning. "Kit Cosmo...Put on that colorist glove, my gray is screaming at me in the mirror!" After reminding her that Easter is just around the corner and we have a month 'til her "shin-dig", we should shoot for the second weekend in April. Awesome! "I also need you to make me an appointment with your nail lady at the end of the month," she said. All over it..I have an appointment the Thursday before the "shin-dig". I'll book you with me. Anything else?
This "shin-dig" I speak of is an engagement party for her beautiful daughter who will be getting married in January 2011. Here's where the Kitchen Cosmetologist and my education come in handy. L'Oreal makes a product called Colour Expert. It's one kit with tint and bleach for high lights. Great kit! I've used it for years. Last spring, I talked her into it. Lightening up her muddy brown hair was exactly what she needed. Besides, if she didn't like it...color over it!
Now, a word of caution to those without the license. Do not attempt this kit on your own. Have a buddy standing by to help. For myself, I usually grab Hubby or Teenage Daughter. Doing the back of your head is difficult and it helps to have another set of eyes to check for areas missed. The second warning I have for you is for the consistency of your hi-lites. L'Oreal gives you an applicator wand in the kit that closely resembles a large mascara wand. That's great, but if you have too much product on the wand, you'll end up with "spots" and what we in the trade call "bleeding". Not a pretty result. I also recommend using a small glass bowl to mix the bleach powder and developer. It makes it easier to load the applicator wand more uniformly allowing for more consistent hi-lites.
I love this kit!!!! Love, love, love it! The tint is some of the most natural looking I've found in an over-the-counter color. The powder bleach mixes smooth, doesn't stink, and won't swell once applied. They give you a super deep conditioner to protect your new color from fading. It's good, but if you have fine hair, I recommend using it once a week or about every third wash. It will make your hair hard to style, weighing it down. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars!
P.S. I don't wash my hair every day. It's fine and color treated. The more you wash, the quicker your color will fade.

Telephones' Ringing Again.....Gaga?

Controversy is hot on the heels of Lady Gaga yet again! Umm...d'ah! Pushing the social envelope is not alien to her and I honestly hope she never stops. No, the "Telephone" video is not for everybody. I would not let my 10 year old watch it. Hell, I shoo the Pretty Girl out of the room when I play the "Bad Romance" clip on our 360. A side note...my sweet 10 year old is NOT googoo for Gaga. Teenage Daughter, on the other hand, loves Gaga and thought the video was "weird but likes the song". Sweet! Of course, I had more sense than the Gods gave paste and talked over some of the "themes" in the clip. For example: smoking, lesbianism, poisoning, breaking laws. I'm quite sure that I'm missing some others. At any rate, TD understands the difference between the real world and fiction. This is where I give TD credit. Yes, she's tried smoking. It made her sick. She understands that the man/woman, "traditional" relationship, is not the only love that exists in the world and finally that breaking the law is not a good thing. Great! I've done my job as her parent! So I say this to the bible-thumping, neo-conservative public....QUIT YOUR BITCHIN' and DON'T FRAKKIN' WATCH. Done!
You know, I remember a singer that hit huge in the 80's. She wore her undies on the outside, mesh shirts and tight skirts, wore a bazzillion rubber bracelets and rosaries.....ringing any bells? She sang about virgins and dressing you up in her love, dancing, singing, and expressing yourself! My folks were not at all pleased that I adopted this singers style into my own...at the same time, I found myself, my personal style, and my own creative outlet. INSPIRATION!!!! She too, caused a hell of a stir. Controversy followed her everywhere. Madonna, yes, Madonna in her hay day inspired me. She still does today though to a lesser extent than Gaga, but the message remains the same. Think outside of the box, embrace who you are, love it, own it. I try very hard to teach that lesson to my girls. Be who you are, not what "every one else" says who you should be. PEACE!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Gaga called.....

Lady Gaga's new video "Telephone" was released last night. Yeah, this Kit Cosmo was in bed but here I am, up before dawn (not unusual), iBook in my lap. First thing, after coffee, start down loading from my YouTube account...Ms. Gaga?.....Ms. B?......AWESOME!!! Hell yes, I will be sliding over to iTunes to buy this song.... More on Lady Gaga later....just had to crow!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What the hell is a Kitchen Cosmetologist?

Spurred on by my love for the creative and deep admiration of my beloved Grandmother, I enrolled in a vocational program to become a cosmetologist. That was some 20+ years ago.
I remember my teacher using the term "Kitchen Cosmetologist" as a negative connotation of the "professionalism" and "respect" we command as educated tradespeople. Loose translation....all those galls who sit in their kitchen with a Frost-N-Tip and a Lilt home perm don't have a clue what they're doing. Truthfully, I've fixed a lot of those mistakes in 20 years as a professional. Sun-In! Y'all remember that little gem. That was corrective color 101 for me.
Today, I'm "retired" from "behind the chair" and have evolved into....A Kitchen Cosmetologist. What began as a negative, I have turned into a positive. Yes, I have the education and access to professional beauty products. I also have a brain, feelings, political & religious views, and a sense of ethics. I'm raising 2 beautiful girls, maintaining a home, and a marriage....not an easy task in today's climate.
Here I am. I'm going to write about the things my friends and I struggle with, find joy in, and piss us right the hell off. Food, hair, make up, music, kids...let's run the gambit. Let's have fun, vent, gossip....that's what hairdressers(and your bar tender) are for! :)